Module Cordinator

Leader in the project. She is a tenured professor at the Vytautas Magnus University and vice- dean for research. She is a recognized expert in domestic criminal law and its evaluation from EU, comparative and international perspectives.

E.Gruodytė was selected a National Reporter in EU projects „ Evaluation study of the legal framework applicable to combating terrorism in the EU Member States - Framework Decision 2008/919/JHA”, 2013 and “Development of an EU evaluation mechanism in the area of anti- corruption with a particular focus on identifying and reducing the costs of corruption in Public Procurement involving EU Funds”, 2012 for European Anti –Fraud Office (OLAF).

Vice-Dean for Project Activities

She is an associated professor and Vice-dean for Administration at the Law faculty of Vytautas Magnus University. She is giving lectures on the European Union law (institutional and substantive law) for more than 5 years at the Law faculty. She is accredited to supervise doctoral thesis, has two doctoral students at the moment. Both doctoral students are preparing dissertations on issues, which are related to the EU substantive law - free movement of capital and free movement of services.