Visit to Polotsk State University
Republic of Belarus
7th-9th of May, 2018
On 7th-9th of May, 2018 prof. Edita Gruodytė together with Saulė Milčiuvienė went to Polock State university Law faculty where disseminated information about ongoing Jean Monet Project on creation of module „EU Criminal Law and policy“. During their visit they also gave open lecture to the second year law students about history and competence of EU in the area of criminal law, spoke about impact of the Court of Justice of the European Union and presented most important cases.
6th-7th of October, 2017
On 6th-7th of October, 2017 prof. Edita Gruodytė together with colleges from faculty participated in international scientific- practical conference “Traditions and innovations in law” in the Polotsk State university. The event was for the 50-year anniversary of the university and twenty years of the law faculty.
Prof. Edita Gruodytė in the framework of the module project gave presentation in the conference on the issue: “Impact of the EU to the national criminal law: achievements, problems, challenges”. Professor analyzed both theoretical and practical impact and the competence of the EU institutions to Lithuanian criminal law.
The period analyzed: from 1st May 2004 (becoming a member in the EU) up till 1st September 2017). The EU makes impact in three ways: legislation, supervision and jurisprudence. The author came to the conclusion that EU criminal law is an important source of Lithuanian national criminal law, but it is implemented through national criminal law. Yet harmonization of criminal law is minimal one- only certain criminal areas are covered and EU legal acts are regulated by directives (national transfer/implementation needed).