Participation in international conference
May 15, 2018
On 15th of May, 2018 prof. Edita Gruodytė participated in international conference “Drug Policy in Lithuania- roads, pitfalls and tracks”/Lietuvos narkotikų politika- keliai, klystkeliai ir takeliai” organized by NTAKD (Department of Drug, tobacco and alcohol control) together with EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) which took place in Vilnius. It was very important and valuable event, as various actors (representatives of NVO, medicine and legal regulation including academics) gave their opinion regarding drug policy. The newest tendencies in EU were presented by Alex Goosdeel (director of EMCDDA). Successful examples of drug policy were presented by Portugal and Cheque representatives.
The whole material of the event could be found here:
Lecture to Lithuanian schoolchildren
May 10, 2018
On 10th of May, 2018 prof. Edita Gruodytė gave lecture to Lithuanian schoolchildren. Professor among other things explained influence of EU law to national criminal law, explained main forms of EU legal acts and spheres in which EU has competence in criminal law issues, gave short historical development of the issue, including overview of cases
Edgar Babanov (C-207/08)
Maria Pupino (C-105/03)
Visit to Polotsk State University
Republic of Belarus
7th-9th of May, 2018
On 7th-9th of May, 2018 prof. Edita Gruodytė together with Saulė Milčiuvienė went to Polock State university Law faculty where disseminated information about ongoing Jean Monet Project on creation of module „EU Criminal Law and policy“.

IX International scientific conference
April 12, 2018
Saulė Milčiuvienė and Edita Gruodytė were participating in the 9th international scientific conference PROBLEMS OF PUBLIC SECURITY: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS organized by Mykolas Romeris University, Faculty of Public Security, April 12, 2018. During the conference they made presentation ROLE OF EPPO AND PUBLIC SECURITY: IF GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF CRIMINAL LAW ARE PRESERVED?

Open lectures
VMU Faculty of Infomatics
13th of April, 2018
Assoc. prof. Saulė Milčiuvienė was giving the open lecture on EU Criminal law on the 13 of April 2018, 11:00 AM – 1:20 PM, The event was held at VMU Faculty of Natural Sciences, Vileikos str. 8, Kaunas. In the lecture mainly the students from the Faculty of Natural participated.
23th of November, 2017
Prof. Edita Gruodytė was giving the open lecture on EU Criminal law on the 23 of November 2017, 8:30 – 11:00 AM, The event was held at VMU Faculty of Informatics, Vileikos str. 8, Kaunas. In the lecture mainly the students from the Faculty of Informatics participated.
Participation in international scientific conference
13th of October, 2017
Prof. Edita Gruodytė and assoc. prof. Saulė Milčiuvienė gave presentation in international scientific conference “Europeanization of national law: achievements, problems, challenges, which was organized on 13th of October, 2017 in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Visit to Polotsk State University
Republic of Belarus
6th-7th of October, 2017
On 6th-7th of October, 2017 prof. Edita Gruodytė together with colleges from faculty participated in international scientific- practical conference “Traditions and innovations in law” in the Polotsk State university. The event was for the 50-year anniversary of the university and twenty years of the law faculty.