Participation in international scientific conference on October 13, 2017
Prof. Edita Gruodytė and assoc. prof. Saulė Milčiuvienė gave presentation in international scientific conference “Europeanization of national law: achievements, problems, challenges, which was organized on 13th of October, 2017 in Kaunas, Lithuania.
E.Gruodytė and S.Milčiuvienė made presentation on actual issue “ANONYMIZATION OF COURT DECISIONS IN THE EU: ACTUAL AND COMPARATIVE ISSUES”. The chosen theme is important because of a new Regulation 2016/697 which is in force from 25th of May 2018. The basic goal of presentation to evaluate if this regulation has impact to the criminal law (both material and procedural) of the Member States. Particularly evaluating if existing national regulation for anonymisation of court decisions in criminal cases is not against the norms of regulation.
The authors came to conclusion that In Lithuania the existing procedure of the decision anonymization does not reach its aim. Lithuanian rules on anonymization of courts decisions requires to anonymize all court decisions by default. This requirement shows that Lithuania give the highest priority to the protection of privacy but not freedom of expression. However, the aim of the anonymization is not reached while the Lithuanian rule requires to anonymize the exhaustive list of personal data, which includes not all data by which directly or indirectly the person can be identified.